is coming after finishing
canoe for some group in the big boat. The waves still high, but I am still
enjoy my time taking photos and look the amazing view of some people canoeing
around the caves. Adventure is something everyone need, I know that but I am
also knows my limited in bad weather, I can’t dare myself to join the canoe.
Even I really want it. The quotes, “Adventure is very nice but you should save
your life first; because without soul, you can not do adventure anymore,” –
Citra Pandiangan.
friends, it is so long time never writing about my next adventure. Today, Citra
wants to tell you story about Fun Time Adventure in Bat Cave and James Bond
Island. Thailand is nice country for some people, including me. This is my
first time visit Thailand and I have list many to do even all just on list
because time is limit to explore everything I want, when I visit Thailand.
I am still
happy to try adventure in Bat Cave and James Bond Island. Most blogger always
love to visit in this place. Many ways to get James Bond Island, you can use
small boat or big boat; everything on your choice of course different,
including the month when you visit Thailand. You should try hard, it is not the
rain season because it will make you get on trouble to adventure in small
island or small boat.

canoeing, the tour management prepare food for the group which using their
service. Time for lunch, we are lunch inside the big boat. It is o.k right!
Eating in the boat also not bad because the view and the food so cool. Full,
the big boat is start to moving to the last spot. It’s call James Bond island.
The guide reminds us before moving to small boat to keep our hands far from sea
because it has sharks. Alright, we hear their advice and I keep my hand so far
from sea haha.

It just
short moving, the guide reminds us just around 30 minutes to explore James Bond
island, that is not enough time actually. I just realize, that is many tourists
visit this island. When arrive in this island, I see some stands for
souvenir. By the way, why this island is
famous with the name James bond island, the reason is long time ago around
1974, james bond movie shoot in this island. That’s why the name famous because
this is one of location shooting of James Bond Movie.

The land is
not so big in this island. After passing some stands, I look the big pillar of
rock and it is look so nice and unique in my eyes. Of course, I take the photos
even little difficult because many people want to take photos in this side
either. I won’t to get lost my time to explore, so I go to up to see something
different view. That is so nice. The view from this island really nice and I
really enjoy explore it alone and even sometimes I have bad mind, I am afraid
to get lost because I do not remember the group people on the tour hahaha.
Trouble memories, as usually to recognize people.
Let’s throw the bad things and just enjoy the
moment because it just short moment to remember. After get the end of the
stairs, I turn back and try to go another part. I just realize, time is faster
and our group tour and travel already try to waiting small boat to get the big
boat. So, I feel little disappointed because still not enough time to explore.
I wish one day, I can visit this island again and take many time to explore and
taking my selfie photo either hahaha. Honestly, when I visit this place, I can
not put my tripod because many people around me. Do you like to visit james bond island, what
is your reason to get lost in this island?

that is my short adventure when visiting Thailand, especially using tour and
travel to visit James Bond Island. By the way my friends, before using service
tour and travel, you should survey price first because every stands offer
different ways and price. That is you should smart to get nice tour agency to
pick you up on hotel and explore the islands.
Happy Story start from You
Note: Please visit my blog to B Traveler, kitabahagia, Jejak Cantik, ngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog
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