Istana Pak Madun, The Gypsy house in Bintan

istana pak madun Jendela dunia Bintan What can I said when I said “Finally I visit the something unique in Bintan island, that is called Istana Pak Madun (The Kingdom of Mr. Madun). The owner said “Istana Jendala Dunia Pak Madun (Palace of the World Window Mr. Madun).” Why am I interested to visit this place? The quotes of the day, “Travel is not about how much money you spend to get a holiday. Travel is about what do you learn and see with your own world to make you keep strong and happy.” – Citra Pandiangan
Citra Pandiangan Youtube Channel

Get Lost in Jendala Dunia Pak Madun in Bintan

istana pak madun Jendela dunia Bintan
Today, I am Citra Pandiangan wants to tell you story about “Istana Jendela Dunia Pak Madun.” Do you like to read fairy tales? This place is like a fairy tale but it’s not a beautiful kingdom. It sounds like a haunted palace or haunted forest to find a unique and different place. Honestly, that is right. The located Istana Pak Madun is far away from the city or local village on Bintan island. This place is very difficult to find it because this house should pass the forest and nobody will help you if you get lost. The place is really quiet and at the end of Bintan Island and without local residents that can be found easily. However, you don't need to worry if you get lost in the direction.
When we find on the dictionary about a gypsy, the meaning of the word of the gypsy is a member of a group of people who travel from place to place esp. in Europe and who originally came from northern India, or anyone who travels often and does not live in one place for long.1 Actually Pak Madun (Sir Madun) is not moved from place to place, but the place is like the gypsy house in my imagination. I know gypsy’s house is more like a tent. This Madun’s house is like imagine of haunted forest in the middle of the forest with the Buildings formed by various kinds of used goods are found on the coast. Every place that he built was made a theme, but the items used ranging from wood, plastic and various other types were made as unique as possible according to Pak Madun's style.

Mr. Madun said he used goods which he collected on the currents from the sea and also the forest. “I did create this place since 1995. Some people on the group visit this place from the army, government and tourism,” Madun said. 
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When you visit Madun place, you can see the sea because the sea is not so far from his place. It’s around one (1) kilometer. The wind and the coconut tree will be welcome you when you visit this place. So silent and no worry, the first time when looking at his creation sound look magic, but it’s the art style of Mr. Madun.  So, when you looked at the broken TV, toys, helmets and anything in his creation, all trash or used good he found it in the forest. He carried it by himself.

Honestly, I can’t imagine a human can stay in the forest without a community with people or technology. I can’t exist if I have a life like that. I can be CRAZY, actually. He feels enjoy with his decision to live in his own place. 

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The most unique when visit this place, we will see something in his yard when we step in his yard before going to his simple house in the middle of his art. That looks like a snake with eyes made by two bottle caps, the head of a snake or dragon made by woods. He said most his art his created from several countries as England, Turkey, Italy, Hungary and Denmark. He said before the tragedy of Toba lake, he got a vision about that tragedy. That was why he made the Toba lake in his yard under the bridge and also the small island called Samosir.  
Poor me, I can’t stay longer on his place and heard about many unique stories with his own version about his creation. Our group should back to Tanjungpinang, because one of my friends should back to Batam island on the same day. So, we should end our tour in the Istana Jendela Pak Madun on Bintan island.

Do you interest to visit Istana Pak Madun? Let me help you with how to find this castle in Pak Madun. This located exactly in Pengudang Village, Bintan island, Indonesia. You need to spend time around more than one hour from Trikora beach (the longest beach in Bintan). This place is not far from Pengudang Bintan Mangrove. Access from the main road to get inside his place needs around 5 minutes if you are not gets lost.  You will find the bamboo gate. I guess it will not far from the way to enter the forest before arriving in his place. I wish one day I can visit in this place again to look if he made our statue as Blogger Kepri community and GENPI Kepri. He said he will make it if we (our group) passed the test. I don’t know the meaning of the test in his version.  

Would you come to visit his place that called Istana Jendela Dunia Pak Madun in Bintan island? Do you think this article is nice to read and open your imagination about the unique tour. Let share this article and give me the comment below about what do you think about this place. It recommended to visit or not. Honestly, I will say it should be visited after you are enjoying mangrove tour in the Pengudang Village. Enjoy every time to get fun time on your holiday to get the meaning of best and unique pleasure on holiday, special while you visit Bintan island.  When I want to holiday in Bintan island with a low budget, can I stay using CouchSurfing? Bintan island has a few members of Couchsurfing, perhaps you can find a host on Bintan island.

Let peek article what to do in Bintan island while holiday here.. You will love to enjoy your time in this place, including hunting culinary and try to eat traditional food as lendir noodle. Find amazing mangroves in Pegudang.

Happy Story start from You

Note: Please visit my blog to  B Travelerkitabahagia, Jejak Cantikngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog


  1. Unik bangeettt ini Istana Pak Madun
    Kayaknya must visit destination gitu ya mba, kalo kita cuss ke Bintan
    Baiklaaahh, segera dicatat!

  2. Aah, nanti kalo ke Bintan pengen ke Istana Pak Madun ini.
    Mau kulineran dan jelong2 disana, semoga dikasih kesempatan.

    lihat poto2nya mupeeng..

  3. Saya agak ngeri lihatnya. Apalagi yang ada kepala boneka itu hehehe. Kayaknya kalau saya harus ke sana, harus ditemenin banyak orang :D

  4. Surprise! I never know about this place before. It reminds me to novel series of trio detektif when i was a kid. They use second goods to build their secret place. But this one is more creative. I think mr. Madun has good sense of art and if he is educated, he could be a designer of yard, home n garden. But i didnt see mr. Madun pict at this post

  5. unik banget mba tempat wisatanya. jadi mau berkunjung juga. tapi menunggu eabah covid berakhir dulu. hihi..

  6. this just like what I saw on tv,about a person who living his imagination and creativity, we have also in Indonesia

  7. kalau melihat postingan beginian jadi pengen cepat pandemi ini berakhir biar bisa main sama keluarga lagi ya mbak :)

  8. Bintan... hari ini aku jalan jalan virtual nih ke bintan.. aku belum pernah kesana nih mbak, istana pak madun gypsy hause ini terlihat sangat terawat ya.. pasti jadi salah satu destinasi fav warga bintan ya ini mbak

  9. Istana pak madun ini unik banget ya mbak tampilannya bergaya gypsy house, jadi inget telenovela jaman dulu. Ak belum pernah ke Bintan nih mbak. KAlau istana pak madun ini bisa diakses menggunakan kendaraan umum kah> atau harus menggunakan kendaraan pribadi atau sewaan?

  10. Walah Pak Madun ini orangnya.. err.. gimana ya? Tapi asli, unik ya Mbak! Aku pikir Bintan itu banyak resortnya, ternyata ada juga yang unik kayak gini

  11. kayanya aku pernah liat ini juga nih di acara televisi beberapa tahun lalu atau beberapa bulan lalu, aku liatnya agak serem ya huuhu,

  12. Aku belum pernah ke pulau Bintan mba. Unik sekali tempat wisata disana, mba. Berharap bisa ke sana suatu saat nanti

  13. Keren dan unik banget Mba, saya baru kali ini liat yang unik begini hihihi.
    Bagus juga nih konsep istana pak Madun gini, kan jadi mupeng mau ke sini :)
    Noted banget nih harus dihampirin kalau ke Bintan :)

  14. unik sekali tempatnya, mbak. Tapi kok aku merinding ya liatnya, hihihihi

  15. Wah tempat yang unik ya mba.. jadi penasaran pengen ke sana mudah2an ada takdir bisa main ke bintan hehe...

  16. I call this masterpiece!
    Benar-benar unik dan brilian ya ide Pak Madun!
    Out of the box!

  17. Keren bangt mbak cittt bintan.. Duh jauh bener yaaa dri Surabaya.. Klo deket mah minta ajakin mba Citra kesana. Hahah

  18. Unik banget yah tempatnya serasa masuk di dimensi lain, kalau gak salah dulu aku pernah nonton deh Istana pak Madium di TV soalny mirip banget ,duh jadi pengen ke sana

  19. Wadidaw, Pak Madun ni penganut zero waste garis keras ni kayanya. Hihihi, tapi salut bener sama semangat dan kreativitasnya ya Mbak Cit.... Bisa bikin hunian dengan barang-barang bekas gini lo, sampai dikunjungi banyak orang dan lembaga.... Kereeeen!!!

  20. Unik ya istananya pak Madun, memanfaatkan batang pohon dan ditata sedemikian rupa, kreatif dan imaginatif. Bisa dijadikan settingan film2 misteri/horor nich :)

  21. It's great to be able to visit this amazing place. Have been to Bintan but have never been to the Palace of Madun. Hopefully there is an chance to visit here.

  22. pas baca ulasan mba ini, aku baru tahu lho tentang istana pak madun ini. dan menarik banget ya mba. mudah mudahan dikasih kesempatan untuk kesana. TFS mba

  23. Wah, creepy-creepy gimana gitu ya Mbak. Tapinya keunikannya ini bikin penasaran. Terutama buat yang suka berbau gipsi dan mistery. Hehehehe...

  24. Perjalanan yang seru dan menyenangkan, semoga kapan-kapan aku bisa main ke sini juga asik
    Kalau ada rejeki, sekalian belajar banyak dari istana pak Madun

  25. Ternyata di Indonesia juga ada yang gipsi2 gtu kirain di Meksiko aja hehe. Sekarang karena unik malah jadi lokasi wisata gtu ya mbak?
    Kebayang nih lokasinya unik, buat org yang paham seni pasti seneng di sana

  26. Secara eksplisit Pak Madun ingin menyampaikan protes kepada manusia yang lain ya, kenapa mereka membuang segala macam tidak pada tempatnya. Menurutku Pak Madun ini jenius, bisa mengekspresikan maksudnya melalui cara yang antimainstream. Tapi jujur misal harus ke sana sendiri aku ngeri mbaaa...

  27. Istana Pak Madun ini unik dan lain dari yang lain. Tapi kesannya kok jadi serem ya, Mbak hihihi.

  28. Jadi pengen datang lagi ke Bintan menjelajah ke daerah sini lagi. Termasuk suku laut.

  29. Bintan ini masuk list ku nih buat dikunjungi. Ngertinya dulu cuma Batam aja. Padahal banyak banget yang cantik di KepRi ya

  30. i love reading blog in english version. minimal bikin aku ngasah kemampuan reading aku. hehehe. Asik ya jalan-jalan ke Bintan. Tempatnya unik.


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