StoryCitra-Travel make me open eyes and mind; Travel make me learn about empathy
and fun time. I do a lot travel lately; it is not about get fun time during
holiday. I also learn something new every time I do travel and I learn about
value life from other people. Quotes of the day, “ know enough of life to know that you can
never judge any case on its outside merits- Agatha

Today, Citra wants to tell you story about “Why I find value life when
in the group stranger people.” A few
days ago, I went to book store and I want to look around about kid books famous
in that time, and perhaps I want to buy book to company me on airport. Many
people in that time, when I looked some books; I saw a young man who stands in
the corner book store. He was counting many time the money in his hands, while his
eyes look on the book, he wanted to buy. It was accident when I see this,
because he was stand up in front of me.

I did find some books which I want to buy it. Suddenly, when I was in the
cashier; I decided to back in the corner and talked with that man. I asked him,
how much money he had and what the rest he needed it. It was not much, I
decided to help him. I just take some money and the rest I asked him to keep
it. After doing that, I was thinking about value. He just need little money to
completed what he wants it, count many times but it never been change.

Its small value but for him it was big value because he can’t buy what he wants to buy. Some people always think about big value in alive, but I am always tries to find value in the life without nominal of economic. Value of life does not have standard. Some people think have value life when being rich, have a lot of money. Actually it’s about economic. The most important of value life about how to be kindness and successful without make trouble life with wrong ways, work hard and never judge people in our eyes.
So, what is my value in my life? I am thinking a lot about it lately.
Here is my value about life and I hope you can find your value too.
Be yourself

Never been pretended to be someone else! I always be myself in front of people I know them well such as family, friends, and also strangers.
Do what I Love it
Many people love to do something what people like to do but forget about
the most they want to do in their life. They are afraid about what people think
or their opinion. How about me? I do not care about them! I just do care what I
love to do and I find it fun time and happier then do something I don’t like to
Happy with small Things

Eating ice cream is also makes me feel happy. I can spend time to do exercises even only walk a few minutes; it’s making me feel happy because I do make some list to do. Sun bath every day if it possible and put alarm to do it. Small things but it more a happier to do, when I feel happy I find value in my life. That is why I never put high value in my life, that is not mean I do not have standard about LIFE. It’s different cases.
That is some value life I put into myself. How about you? What is your
value in alive? Let’s share your opinion on comment and do not forget to share
to your friends who confused about value of life in their life. Most people
love to put high value in alive and get sick when it can’t be happened.

Happy Story start from You
Note: Please visit my blog to B Traveler, kitabahagia, Jejak Cantik, ngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog
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