Amazing Life Poetry I love to make poetry (poem) but sometimes I lost my words. I can not thinking single word to make beautiful words, which people call poetry. I am so happy when I am reading amazing poetry will make me feel so alive. 

Amazing poetry come while we have amazing life, can I say like that? Everyone has different ways to express their happiness. Then here I am, after a few months I never update poetry on this storycitra site. I am trying as the best I can do to share poetry for you all who love to keep reading my simple story on my blog. Such as a blogger life, my life is not amazing but I am trying to make “magic” every day even that is so damn difficult to get magic in real life.

Read: poem Keep Smile 

Amazing Life
Desire to get lost in beautiful island
Is that amazing life for me?
Getting lost in virgin island
Look the view without wonder anything
Play with imagination to write story

While closing eyes, I still can feel
The amazing moment in my life
Getting burn in the sunny day
Skin gets sticky because of sea wind
I do not care how ugly I am

Because I enjoy the moment every time
Close my eyes and hear the sound of wind
It is like they whisper for me story
While I wake up my eyes then I write it
That is amazing life without rush

No gossip, no pressure and no sadness
How you can be sadness while you are in heaven?
Your problems is gone without you realize
Completely, you relax from the bottom of your heart
That is amazing life you get in your hole life

Everybody deserves to be fun in their life even it just one time. The best moment will reload to your mind and soul while you get disturbance in your life. When you are not feel happy life anymore. When you ever get experience in beautiful moment in alive. You still can close your eyes and get lost in your imagine in that moment. It will make you have power to survive until you have opportunity to get lost again in “heaven.”

No worry, you are not the one who want to get amazing life in this earth but every one want to get amazing life. They do hard to get it goal in the future. Many pressure for real life, it because you are alive and you can get  ways to be fun time in hole your life. Let’s be happy to get amazing life in the “heaven” of earth.

Happy Story start from You

Note: Please visit my blog to  B Travelerkitabahagia, Jejak Cantikngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog

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