Storycitra.com-Si Keling island in some yachter
call as Neptune island in Riau Islands, especially in regency Lingga. This
island is so pure and no one stay there. This quotes would be excellent about
my journey there, “What you’ve done becomes the judge of what you’re going to
do — especially in other people’s minds.
When you’re traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against
you. No yesterdays on the road.” - William Least Heat Moon.

It’s so
amazing, I have opportunity to get lost in that island. Even my skin is getting
burn and more dark but I do not care about it. Today, Citra wants to tell you
story about getting lost in virgin island, Sikeling Island or Pulau Mayat in
local people said. Do you ready to read this article and get sensation to get
lost in virgin island with the beautiful and amazing beach. I am so happy and
enjoy my journey to get lost there.

I have to
wake up early morning in that day because I will go there with some friends and
the meeting point in Punggur jetty, Batam. So, I go there from Sri Bintan Pura
Jetty to Batam. It needs 45 minutes by boat or ferry. I just wait my friends
before buying ticket Batam to Lingga. One way ticket is 240,000 IDR but you
should not stop in Lingga jetty. You should be asking a ticketing agency to
make you stop to Cempah jetty.
I do not remember how long to get to Cempah Jetty but as I remember Cempah jetty before Dabo jetty. So, better remind the staff ferry to make you stop in Cempah jetty. While in Cempah to get to Batu Berlubang village. You should find the traditional boat or local people said pompog. The price to return is 700,000 because from Cempah to Desa Batu Berlubang need an hour journey. From Desa Batu berlubang to Sikeling island just need 30 minutes.

I do not remember how long to get to Cempah Jetty but as I remember Cempah jetty before Dabo jetty. So, better remind the staff ferry to make you stop in Cempah jetty. While in Cempah to get to Batu Berlubang village. You should find the traditional boat or local people said pompog. The price to return is 700,000 because from Cempah to Desa Batu Berlubang need an hour journey. From Desa Batu berlubang to Sikeling island just need 30 minutes.

Desa Batu
Berlubang have to pass the Sikeling island first. Sikeling island is small
island but the view is so amazing. This island has different view between front
and behind the island, especially about the style of beach. In front the waves
sea is not to high and aggressive but in behind this island, you can get the aggressive
waves and also winds so strong. So different but it would be great.

I really
love to discover this island to get best sunset. This island is amazing even
minim facility such as no connection phone, no resort or home stay, no food
seller, no electric. This island just has small pier and platform. Even like
that every February this island a lot yachts stop near this island because
yachters love to get winds in this island to sailing their yachts. That is why
in the yachters this island calls such as Neptune Regatta island.

Do you also want to get lost in this amazing island? Let’s get how to get there (Sikeling island).
© Fist remember, the ticket to get to
Lingga every day is just one time from Batam to Lingga and the time table is
morning time. So just make sure get the ticket on that date. Ask the staff, You
want to stop in CEMPAH Jetty. The price for one way ticket is 240,000 IDR.
(this price will be change depend on the year you visit).

© While in Cempah island or jetty find
the owner ship or boat to rent or ask them to take you to sikeling island or
Pulau Mayat. The return rents boat is 700,000 idr (the price is 2017 I know
that). Make sure to tell the boat driver what’s time and date you have to get
pick up. Because, no network in this island.
© To get to the local island that is
call Desa Batu Berlubang from this island (Sikeling) that is need 30 minutes by

© Bring your food and water because in
this island no food and drink seller. So, make sure you should pack a lot of
things you need to survive.
© Do not forget the important such as
hat, sun glass and sunblock because this island is very hot or I can say hotter
island in Riau islands I guess.

The rest, enjoy your moment there!
This island is the best place to get away from modern life. If you like camping
I guess this island so perfect! Be happy as the way you are. Let’s adventure to
find the meaning of freedom in alive and get more enjoy life to make you story
teller about you’re the best adventure. I wish on February next year, I can
back to this island haha and more prepare then before.

My diary in this journey? You can see
on my YOUTUBE Channel Citrapandiangan.
Happy Story start from You
Note: Please visit my blog to B Traveler, kitabahagia, Jejak Cantik, ngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog
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