Never Been Sad Long Time after Broken Heart

StoryCitra-Love is not perfect, including the people. I know to get perfect match is like gambling. Sometimes you are lucky to find great soul mate till end. Some people are not lucky to find the perfect match or almost perfect to be relationship. The funny thing when I open my smartphone, I get recommended about the one of news dating site. Sometimes, some people make joke or they do like that to get attention. The Quotes of the day: “Don’t cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won’t let you see the stars.”-Violet Parra.

Today, Citra wants to tell you story about Never been sad long time after broken heart. I know well in the world who wants to get broken heart! It so suck and pain, but its normal to feel so sad. The most important don’t make your feeling more hurt, because you think you are not good couple for your lover. Honestly, if someone cheats on you, that is not good people to keep him/her from your life. Better leave it and get the pain right now. It will get better soon when your heart already accepted the relationship with her/him is not good goal in the future.

This is the clue how to forget your ex lover! Don’t think your ex lover is great man/woman in your life. You should think what he/she did in passed that make you feel sadness or disappointed. This is one way to make ex lover bad in your mind and eyes. Long time ago, I can’t move on from someone I think he was the right one in the world. Suddenly he was cheat on me! I felt my world was mess and I did not have any passion to see the world. Then, I was trying hard to remove him from my mind, but it never work good. So, I was trying to make list; which the list about why I think my ex lover was not deserve about the pain what I felt. Then, its work!

I never think about him in my mind and dream. I was also not threw the gift in the trash. I just keep it because the doll so cute hahaha. We never know the future, but when the relationship is not working good, don’t be disappointed because of it. It just process to get better lover in the future. You are lucky to get know it right now then later. It will make you more get deep hurt in the future. You are good, the only trouble is your ex lover who do not know they throw the diamond to get stone.

I never understand why people can be so sad so deeply when broken heart! Even I know it so suck and every one won’t to get feeling, but when it happened. You should think, it is not your fault. You already do the best, but your love can’t see it. No worry, you can find better lover in the future and you will said thanks God because I broke with him/her, so I find the new diamond forever in my life. Then stone who always make my day trouble with the pains and sadness.

Perhaps, I do not have a lot of experience about relationship; if you are expert about this topic. Would you tell me, what is making you feel better after you get broken heart when your relationship is not working well? Let’s discuss about this topic in my comment, so I would love to get new experience about the broken hurt and how to make you move on from bad feeling forever.  

Happy Story start from You

Note: Please visit my blog to  B Travelerkitabahagia, Jejak Cantikngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog

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