StoryCitra- I lost my mind while I don’t do anything; I can’t control myself while
I am so busy at kitchen. I know, I hate spend long time at kitchen but I must
to do that, because I am doing bake to sell cakes in pandemic covid-19 to make
me survive in financial. Quotes of the day, “You can’t control everything, but
you can control your feeling. Being happy while pandemic make your mind crazy.”
– Citra Pandiangan.

Today, Citra want to tell you story about is bad stay at home while
pandemic corona? Honestly, I feel so crazy just stay at home. Even the government
in Indonesia, exactly in Tanjungpinang just announcement to social distancing;
now became physical distancing. The first week, I can survive at home; reading
book, writing on my blogs, fix the blogs.
I have 6 blogs, they are storycitra.com; asiabutterflytraveler.com;
jejakcantik.com; petunjukhidup.com; kitabahagia.com and chitchat.my.id. Some of
them have bad on spam score around 11-17 percent while I check in the first
tool for check of the spam score. While I check on the premium tool is like
moz.com; the number of spam score is not so bad either. I do not know which
should I believe in this mark of spam score?
I decided to fill the article every weeks for every blogs around 3-4
articles with many variants topic, of course! But, it just planed. I did not
have much time to writing; because I have to survive in this pandemic with bake
cakes for sell.
Business became slower
Honestly stay at home and I didn’t meet people to do offer my projects
here. I was not promotion my service on internet either because I knew this was
difficult for everyone. Most of Factories and also small business were close of
this pandemic covid-19. Lucky, if your company still survive and production so
you still have your own salary every month and nothing happened with your money
or budget in this hard time for some people, including me.
Stay at home and I did not make big money too. It was making me crazy.
Reading book in the first time was something amazing moment. Now, it became so
worse. Body became so “extra weight” because of stay at home. Feel afraid to go
outside just exercises. DO shopping just short time! Since government announcement
to social distancing and now became physical distancing, I was never been in
park or beach. It was so hurt my mind, because I need me time to relaxing on
the beach. I knew this time was hard to be selfish. Perhaps, some people still
selfish but I won’t be like them.
Soon or late, I was having trouble with the money in my bank account. It
always less and never get income like before. Stress was coming in my mind. I
have to thinking fast and wise. So, I remembered an idea to start business bake
again on April. So, I decided try to all less penny to start the idea.
It was so awesome in the first week. Almost every day I have to make 50
box cakes. Most I spend time in the kitchen and I do not have time to writing
on my blogs, although making novel. I felt so damn crazy tired in the kitchen.
Honestly, I was really miss lazy in the kitchen and now I had to spend more
time at kitchen for baking cake. Even I just do was simple things as mixer egg,
sugar and some ingredients; then mom would add some flour. While mom was doing
it, I should be painting the box with butter. Then bake them for 30 minutes
Early morning, my job for bake still not finished yet! I should packing
them and add some cheese in the cakes. Then make note to delivery of the cakes
to customers who already ordered it. The system was PO (Pre Order) because our
cakes were fresh from the oven. Almost start 6 p.m till midnight. Then continue
early morning to packing them and making note to delivered them. Can you
imagine, the hot weather was like kill me in the hot light and make me can’t
concentrate to writing. I could not blame all condition of weather and time was
so faster.
Actually stay at home is not so bad. We still survive and far away from
this virus. I hope this condition will finish soon. So, we can continue our
activities as usually. Don’t you want to holiday and traveling in some
beautiful place? Honestly, I really miss to adventure.

Some people also have problem like me with this pandemic covid-19. Most
people lost their jobs because the company, fabric or factory stopped production.
That was make some people became jobless. So, while you company or job stills
survive, you are so lucky in this hard time. So, blessing you with your job and
do the best till this pandemic gone.
Some people sad because they were thinking life was not fair with them,
fear in their mind and eyes because they did not know what to do as pay the
bill for electronic, food, home and many things. Can you imagine how hard time
for some people? I can imagine, because I almost became like that. Lucky, I
have mom who help us in this pandemic and make our small business alive in the
pandemic covid-19. Even I should say sorry to my blogs that I can’t fix them or
fill them with great article.
This journal I made, it was to remind me in the future while I have
problem like this. We should be strong and do not make crazy became the winner.
Even the bore will kill me sometimes, tired make my body became so weakness. I
stressed with many things in my mind but I do believe it in God. Lord will help
every people who asked Him to help us passed day by day in this pandemic.
Happy Story start from You
Note: Please visit my blog to B Traveler, kitabahagia, Jejak Cantik, ngerumpi, petunjukhidup blog
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